GEM Reporter v1.1.0 Released

Huxtable Consulting is pleased to announce the release of version 1.1.0 of GEM Reporter. This update adds user-requested features to the GEM nuclear fuel forecast post-processor:

  • ACUMEN file reading - Parse and store ACUMEN formatted data files from the generation and supply modules which add more data precision compared to the summary values in the GEM results data files.
  • Notifications - User-defined ALERTs will add notifications when report values meet certain criteria. Notifications are displayed on a separate page to not interfere with the report or output file layout. Notifications include a reference to the time period the criterial was met along with the ALERT message.

GEM Reporter is a post-processor for GEM nuclear fuel forecast tools that creates user defined NUFMAP-style reports and output files. Version 1.1.0 is available to all SurfnOnline users and can be accessed using the following case command:

APP1 = gem_reporter_1.1.0