Surfn UI v3.1.0 Released

Huxtable Consulting is pleased to announce the release of version 3.1.0 of the Surfn user interface. This is the annual update with many new features for SurfnOnline:

  1. Syntax highlighting when editing case files
  2. Case variable formulas (numerical and date) and result formatting
  3. Added user uploads and document management to Knowledge Base
  4. Drag and drop scenario parameter ordering
  5. Enhanced system configuration definitions
  6. New function to review and maintain application and directory configuration
  7. Extend use of meta data in scenarios
  8. Expanded log view window and reduced shared folder path size
  9. Application run time added to log files
  10. Highlight case under the mouse pointer
  11. Surfn version added to the main portal and application screens
  12. Additional bug fixes

Version 3.1.0 is now available to all SurfnOnline users.